Question:The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released some reports on Xinjiang-related issues, claiming the existence of "re-education camps" and "mass incarceration" in Xinjiang. What is your comment?
Embassy spokesperson:The BBC’s recent coverage on Xinjiang-related issues, flooded with misinformation or disinformation, seems released deliberately to coincide with the UN Human Rights High Commissioner's visit to China, with an attempt to make some preconceived conclusions. The content and the timing reveals that it is nothing but a latest example of the anti-China forces slandering and attacking China's Xinjiang policy. We are firmly against it.
We hope that everyone will keep open eyes and open mind, and learn more about the truth. Xinjiang now enjoys social stability and a sound development momentum, and the local people are living a safe and happy life. Today, Xinjiang has entered the best period of development in history. The nature of Xinjiang-related issues is about against violence, terrorism, separatism and radicalization, rather than about ethnicity, religion or human rights. The Chinese government has been lawfully fighting against violence and terrorism while addressing the root causes. Such efforts include education on de-radicalization, promoting economic development, improving people's life, strengthening ethnic solidarity, and fully safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of the people of all ethnic groups. Allegations such as the so-called "re-education centers" and "mass incarceration" are pure disinformation.
Xinjiang is a part of China and Xinjiang affairs are purely China's internal affairs. China will, as always, firmly defend its sovereignty, security and development interests,resolutely safeguard the development, stability and ethnic unity of Xinjiang and strongly oppose the spread of Xinjiang-related lies and rumors. We hope that certain media outlets such as the BBC will discard the ideological bias against China, stop defaming and maligning China on Xinjiang-related affairs, and adhere to the news reporting principles of objectivity, truthfulness and accuracy with practical actions.